Repository regulations

The Repository of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków Open Database for Arts and Research/REPO ASP

§ 1. General provisions

  1. These Regulations set out the principles for collecting, depositing, sharing and the security policy for documents in the Repository.
  2. The repository is maintained by the Main Library of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków via the website available at:

§ 2. Collection policy

  1. The Repository collects, permanently archives and makes available digital versions of the artistic achievements and scholarly publications of employees, retired employees of ASP and other works published by ASP, hereinafter referred to as Documents.
  2. Published and unpublished documents may be deposited in the Repository, in particular including:
    1) artistic achievements,
    2) articles, books, chapters in collective works, exhibition catalogues,
    3) doctoral dissertations and postdoctoral achievements,
    4) research and teaching projects,
    5) ASP events.
    • Documents collected may include:
    1) preprints (author's version of the article before review),
    2) postprints (author's version of the article after review),
    3) published versions.
    • In accordance with the Open Access Policy of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, it is recommended that the electronic form of the Documents be deposited, preferably in the final published version, or, if this is not possible, in a version permitted by the publisher's policy (e.g. preprint or postprint).

§ 3. Deposit policy

  1. The following methods of Documents deposition are allowed:
  2. 1) Self-archiving by authors or co-authors directly in the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy or through the publication submission form;
    2) Indirect deposit by the ASP Main Library librarian or coordinator responsible for a given document type.
  3. An employee or retired employee of the ASP may become a Depositary.
  4. The Depositary is required to set up an account (Author Profile) in the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy before starting the process of entering Documents.
  5. Depositories make the materials available free of charge under the Creative Commons open licences or the non-exclusive licence granted to the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, a specimen of which is attached as an appendix to these Regulations (Depositary's Statement to be processed electronically in the ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy).
  6. The Depositary is responsible for the materials deposited in the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy and for any possible infringement of copyright and property rights of third parties.
  7. Storing and sharing content of an unlawful nature is strictly forbidden in the ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy (REPO ASP). This includes:
  8. 1) documents whose dissemination is not authorized by the user, for instance, when copyright has been transferred to a third party;
    2) documents that violate the rights of third parties in any manner, including their personal rights;
    3) documents whose dissemination is in conflict with other legal regulations.
  9. Content which is contrary to good morals, including content which undermines the principles of scientific integrity, is prohibited.
  10. The provision of content that does not constitute Documents within the meaning of these Regulations is prohibited.
  11. The deposit of an artistic achievement, a text already published for which the author does not hold the economic copyright (e.g. has transferred it to the publisher or has granted an exclusive licence to the publisher) requires the publisher's consent. Authors are encouraged to review their agreements with the publisher or the publisher's guidelines regarding the public availability of their works in an institutional repository.

§ 4. Sharing policy

  1. The ASP/REPO ASP Open Database for Arts and Research is available without registration to any Internet user.
  2. Access to the Documents is by definition open to all interested parties.
  3. It is permissible to restrict access to certain Documents to authorised users only.
  4. The use of the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy is free of charge.
  5. Metadata is made freely available via the Internet.
  6. Documents are made available in accordance with the licences granted by the depositaries of the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy.
  7. Use of Documents marked as released under Creative Commons Licences is permitted in accordance with the provisions of each such licence (as applicable).
  8. Use of Documents not marked as released under a Creative Commons licence is possible in accordance with the relevant fair use provisions or other user freedoms provided by law (personal use, scientific, teaching or educational purposes), and wider use requires the permission of the right holder.
  9. As a condition for the use of all Documents, the following must be provided: the author(s) name(s), title and full bibliographic details together with the web address to the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy website.

§ 5. Archiving policy

  1. The ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy resource will be stored indefinitely in accordance with a data security policy,
  2. Papers deposited in the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy are not subject to withdrawal by the authors.
  3. In exceptional cases, deposited Documents may be moved to a closed archive or updated at the legitimate request of the author.
  4. Documents in breach of these Regulations may be removed by the editor of the ASP/REPO ASP Open Repository of the Arts and Research of the Academy without the consent of the depositary. This mainly concerns resources for which a copyright infringement has been reported.

§ 6. Complaints, enquiries and comments

  • Any complaints should be reported by e-mail to: or by registered mail to:
    Main Library
    Aof the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
    ul. Smoleńsk 9
    31-108 Kraków
  • The submission should include the notifier's identification and a brief description of the problem.
  • The submission will be processed immediately and the notifier will be notified at the address provided in the submission .